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David Falconer v Simon Grey (Tue 01 Sep 2015)

Notice: Undefined index: winnerid in /var/www/html/share/areas/classic/api.inc.php on line 3203
Match won by Unknown player . Result: 9-0,9-0,9-0.

Starting level for David Falconer: 2,998, level confidence: 83%. Set manually.
Starting level for Simon Grey: 2,229, level confidence: 82%. Set manually.
David Falconer to win as he is currently playing 34% better than Simon Grey.

This match has been excluded from the level processing as the result is too extreme. This often happens as a way of recording a walk-over so can't be used to calculate level changes. If you want to have this kind of result included in your level history then, next time, let your poor opponent win a point!