Boxes - SquashLevels
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Matches to be played on or before 30-Oct-2022. 579 days overdue. Matches played: 1.

Contact with any queries or if you want to join or leave the boxes next time. 

Box 1

PositionName Level Log in for
contact details
1Jack Webster *1XXXX    0
2Marcus Cowie *8XXX    0
3Kui Yuen Christopher Chak *1XXXX    0
4David Smith9XXX    0
5Aidan O'Brien *9XXX    0

Box 2

PositionName Level Log in for
contact details
6Leon Griffiths *7XXX    0
7Michael Chak *8XXX    0
8Zain Qureshi3XXX    0
9Steve Defries3XXX    0
10Anant Gupta3XXX    0

Box 3

PositionName Level Log in for
contact details
11Fahad Khan2XXX    0
12Stuart Rank2XXX    0
13Gabriel Chak *4XXX    0
14Tom Connell-Wynne *1XXX    0
15Shakil Mir *2XXX    0

Box 4

PositionName Level Log in for
contact details
16Ellie Thomas1XXX3   6
17Will Buckland8XX0   1
18Gordon Fleming *1XXX    0
19Robin Brown1XXX    0
20Ian Bradbury *1XXX    0

Box 5

PositionName Level Log in for
contact details
21Jaanshere Khan1XXX    0
22Alex Livermore9XX    0
23Andrew Brown *1XXX    0
24Zahoor Ahmed7XX    0
25Zain Naqvi6XX    0

Box 6

PositionName Level Log in for
contact details
26Lyndon Clayton4XX    0
27Colette Webster5XX    0
28Amit Jethwa *TBD    0
29Aniyah Naqvi3XX    0
30Boro Caushi *3XX    0

Box 7

PositionName Level Log in for
contact details
31Louise Gregory7XX    0
32Tom Silver *TBD    0
33Amar Gujral *TBD    0
34Samuel Rank *8XX    0
35Esther Chak *8XX    0

Box 8

PositionName Level Log in for
contact details
36Yasin Altaf *TBD    0
37Qi Cao2XX    0
38Hasan Naqvi1XX    0
39Omar Shayk *TBD    0
40Richard Daly *TBD    0

If you have a '*' by your name it means you have not played enough games and will be removed from the boxes next time. After that you will appear in the list below. To remove the '*', just play a game!

Not playing (removed from this list after 6 months)

Not playing (removed from this list after 6 months)

These players have been auto-dropped for not playing enough games. The admin can return them to the boxes, otherwise they will be auto-removed from this list after 6 months.

Players can always be added to boxes - just ask the admin!

 1James Wyatt 14084
 7Brieanna Burki 2257
 7Scott Couzens 4341
 7Luke Griffiths 5013
 10Ethan Chak 5836
 10Ramish Aziz 4189
 14Natalie Chak 1866
 15Siobhan Wilkins 2777
 15Brenton Gage 1773
 18Tomoz Nitz 2435
 19Peter Collins 623
 20Emma Booker 468
 20Liam Moore 1286
 20Baljinder Chana TBD
 20James Squirrell TBD
 20Jonathan Roberts 420
 20Kevin Worrall TBD
 20Barkek Turski TBD
 30Bobby Hossain 141
 30Ben Helliwell TBD
 30Ian Livermore 273
 34Tom McCaul TBD
 36Alex Mercer 1062
 36Oliver Mercer 221
 40Roberto Oliviera TBD
 41Sue Ricks TBD

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